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Bagina is a plus size model, known for her poise and grace on the runway. She has walked in a few highly noted platforms, including Boutique Fashion Week and Georgia Peach Fashion Week where she was not only a runway model, but also the cover brand ambassador for their plus size La Curve category. Bagina was also seen in Uptown Fashion Week, Bronx Fashion Week, and Ashley Stewart.
Bagina is now a runway coach for her own company, BeBold BeBeautiful Runway. BeBold BeBeautiful was originated in 2015. In Atlanta Georgia, New York City and now Dallas, Texas but classes are also available in many other states upon request.
BeBold BeBeautiful Runway is all about reach one and teach one about runway etiquette, runway expressions , getting in tuned with your body, self esteem , marketing , branding and so much more.
Bebold BeBeautiful is here to help the hopefuls reach their fullest potential.
Bagina has a few other hats she wears. Such as being a model coordinator an

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